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Monday, January 19, 2009

Jan 21 2008 Comics: DC

Faces Of Evil Deathstroke #1 These Faces of Evil one-shots aren't really designed to resolve anything for the villains they spotlight, but they are definitely an interesting concept. Basically, each FoE issue attempts to view the DC Universe through the eyes of the villain. This issue focuses on Deathstroke, who is returning from his recent encounter with Geo-Force in the pages of DCU: Last Will and Testament.

Final Crisis Superman Beyond #2 This is a title that seems to be appearing out of order, as Superman made his return from this adventure in the pages of Final Crisis #6 last week. The publishing schedule has been one of the most irritating elements of this event. DC is not noted for company-wide story continuity (how does the JLA manage to appear in every issue of every comic every month?) Again, it's from Grant "the Bat-slayer" Morrison.

Green Lantern #37 If I had one comic book wish in all the world, it would be that Green Lantern were published weekly - with Geoff Johns and Ivan Reis somehow handling all of the scripting and art duties. I realize that that is completely unreasonable, but I can still dream. This issues continues the prelude to the Blackest Night...

Supergirl #37 The "Who is Superwoman?" arc gets under way with this issue. It was obvious from the end of the New Krypton storyline that that was only the beginning of the changes in store for the heroes from Krypton. I certainly hope the fallout from that tale provides some much needed energy for the Supergirl title - it certainly needs it.

Other titles of note include Justice League Of America #29 (another Faces of Evil tie-in), Superman Batman Annual #3 (featuring the return of the Composite Superman and a cover by Bernie Wrightson!), X-Files #3 (this limited series has made me revisit my classic X-Files episodes on DVD), as well as the new Mysterius The Unfathomable #1. If you haven't seen the preview of Mysterius yet, check it out here.

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